Saturday 5 March 2011

The begining

I had never owned a cat in my life before, in fact I wasn't really all that fond of them. Useless ball of fur was the most I ever thought about them.

Then on 21st December 2009 a ball of fur came into my life and changed it for the better.

I was sitting having my usual morning coffee at the local cafe when one of my neighbors came along and told me a sad story. Another of our long term neighbors was going to live overseas, he was leaving the next morning and was going to have his cat put down because no one would take him. Being an animal lover I immediately said I would take him, the idea was I would find him a home.I went home and said to my gran "For what I've  done I hope you forgive me". Forgive me, she has been in cahoots with Flexi ever since to keep me on my toes.

He came within the hour in a cage all frightened and stressed out. The moment I let him out of the cage he scurried behind the lounge. I managed to entice him out with a bit of food and get a good look at him. He was the cutest little thing I had ever seen, any thoughts of rehoming him left my head, this bloke was staying.

After a few days I noticed he was getting very upset and cowering under the table after he went to the litter box.soon after that I noticed he was not doing number 2's. I rang the local vet and they said to bring him down and they would check on him. Poor little buggar was constipated and he had a couple of cracked ribs, luckily it was only minor so there was no serious damage. The vet treated him and he stayed at the clinic for a few days to recover. 

I contacted his previous owner by email and he said that he had left Flexi with his mother for a few days, his mother thought Flexi smelled when he did number2's so she gave him a kick or two. I knew his mother well and this did not surprise me, the woman is completely self centered. The next time I saw her I could not help having a real go at her for what she did, these days I don't even talk to her.

For a couple of months I was on a mission to stop Flexi being upset about doing number 2's. Every time he went I would crawl under the table, and give him a treat and a pat and tell him what a good boy he was. Gran would call him into her and he would get a good boy and a pat from her a well. Today the little devil still comes looking for treats after he has done the deed.

Today Flexi is a confident over exuberant cat who rules the roost, drives me crazy and gives us heaps of laughs.

Flexi has created quite a bit of havoc in the time that he has lived with us. In my next posts I will go back in time and tell you about some of them.

Bring your laughing gear.

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